Constance Conn, CPM
I love what I do! I am a CPM and QE with an active and ongoing homebirth practice that now spans 40 years and more than 1,400 births. I guess I’ve been around for awhile—at this point I am beginning to find myself called to attend 2nd generation births, an amazing blessing!
For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with the study of life. I majored in Zoology at Duke U. in the 70’s and soaked up as much of life’s beauty and grandeur as possible through coursework and by working as a research assistant in various bio-medical labs to finance my education.
Later as I considered family I quickly came to choose homebirth for myself and in so doing found myself strongly attracted to midwifery. My own three children were all planned homebirths and I found these experiences to be profound and life-changing events.
I moved to N. Georgia to pursue my Master’s degree as a CNM at Emory U. in 1982 after apprenticing for 2 years in N.C. I immediately immersed myself in Georgia’s homebirth community and apprenticed for another two years. During this time I found that my passion for homebirth was best served by following a path leading to national certification as a CPM, and I completed this certification in the early 90’s as the process came into being.
I am a member of the Georgia Midwifery Association, and very involved in Georgia midwifery politics and the N. Georgia homebirth community. I am also a member of Tennessee Midwives Association, and am enjoying becoming a part of the TN birthing community. In addition, I am a member of MANA.