Alexa's Birth Story


Alexa was born at 3:31am on 02-21-12. Here is how the labor and birth unfolded. At 2am on the 20th I began having some contractions about 10 minutes apart. I took a warm shower for about an hour then woke Forrest up, I didn’t want to call the midwife because I wasn’t sure if I was actually moving into labor. At 7am I decided to call the midwife just to see what she thought. 

Throughout the day we called her about every 2 hours. At lunch time we went for a walk and my labor still hadn’t progressed to the 4-1-1 stage. At 6pm we decided we would drive to the midwife’s office for our prenatal appointment because Claudia thought the bumpy car ride would help to stimulate labor. The whole time there I was thinking how crazy it was to be in a car while in any type of labor and how uncomfortable it was. We got to the area early so Forrest decided he wanted Wendy’s for dinner and asked if I wanted anything. I asked for a frosty but didn’t eat any of it. When we finally got there at 7pm she checked me and I was 100% effaced and dilated to something less than 8cm. We left for home knowing we would see her again soon. This was the last time I looked at a clock. After getting home and taking a shower which was probably my 10th shower of the day I progressed to the desired 4-1-1 and called Claudia and Lacey! Yay the baby was coming! After calling them we called our friend Kat to come and be with us for this special time. Claudia was gonna call us before she left the office and was on her way.

After about 30 minutes I decided I couldn’t wait anymore I had to get in the shower once again. Everyone arrived while I was in the shower. Our pool had gotten a hole in it so Claudia and Lacey brought an extra for us! I got out of the shower and put a shirt on knowing pants wouldn’t last long. Claudia checked me while Lacey and Kat got the pool ready! I jumped at the chance to get into the pool. After all I was having this baby in the pool. After what felt like forever with everyone staring at me I still wasn’t ready to push. Claudia decided it would be best if they all went out in the living room and left Forrest and I to relax (like I could relax) for some time. They came to check on the baby and I every 30 minutes.

At what I am going to guess was 12 or 1 though I don’t really know Claudia had me get out of the pool and she broke my water. Oh boy that was fun. Then we moved into the “get ready to push” stage. We started on the toilet, which if any of you had ever been in our bathroom you would know there was not a lot of space. In the bathroom was Claudia, Forrest and me. Just outside the door in the hallway was Lacey and Kat. I am not sure how long I was in there except Claudia checked the baby at least once. As I sat on the toilet all I could think was I am so tired. All the while passing out between contractions. Next we moved to the bed where I found I had no desire or real capability to push (which helps me understand why everyone who tries to push laying down in a hospital bed have such a hard time).

Finally we moved to the birth stool. As I stood up I had an overwhelming urge to push so I when did, I felt and heard fluid hit the tarp below me although I didn’t much care. I finally made it to the stool. What a great invention. Suddenly I felt empowered. I pushed and pushed while asking Claudia how much longer. She answered with something like I don’t know but you are getting closer. When the baby finally crowned I reached down to feel the head. Gross it felt like brains, and yes I know what they feel like. Next I could feel her small body coming out (small compared to a toddler since as you will find out soon she was not so small). The shoulders cleared the cervix one more push and I had my beautiful baby in my arms. For one second, there was complete silence and my doctor/mommy brain quickly spit out the words “the baby isn’t making any noise” then the most beautiful sound of my baby crying. I checked to see if we had a boy or girl and announced it is a girl!

Next we quickly moved to the bed and Forrest took the baby. As the Claudia an Lacey worked on me, I was feeling weak and tired and Lacey was forcing vitamin C and electrolytes down my throat as I needed the hydration. Finally we were coming to the end and it was time for stitches. All this time the TV is on and there is this very annoying tv preacher going on and on about I don’t even know what and all I can think is can someone please turn the damn tv off. I looked Kat is helping Forrest with Alexa, Claudia is assessing me and Lacey as stated before was making me drink. So I laid there just being annoyed by this guy. Later I find out it was driving Claudia just as crazy. Finally it’s time to stitch up the faint tear Alexa has left me with. I move to the end of the bed and finally Claudia turns off the stupid preacher. She reaches next for a syringe and says no allergies to Novocain right? Wait my mind stops yes I have had a reaction. Crap now what? It’s time to call Kendra our back up nurse midwife. Claudia calls Kendra and we are to meet her at the hospital at 7:30am to get stitches. A million things are going through my mind and not one of them is what Alexa should wear. I feel sick to my stomach knowing not only do I have to leave the house and go to the hospital but so does my 3 hour old baby girl. I am weak and can barely stand up to go to the bathroom.

How am I getting down the hall, out the door, down another hall and a flight of stairs? First we have to make sure everything is great with Alexa. Lacey and Claudia weigh, measure and clean her because a bloody baby cannot go to a hospital they would freak out. Since I wasn’t planning on going anywhere I didn’t have clothes picked out for Alexa; Lacey got the honors of getting an outfit out of Alexa’s already packed closet. So now we are ready, baby dressed and put into a car seat. Oh no has is mommy getting to the car? Forrest has a great idea they will wheel me out of the house on his computer chair to the stairs. Then some how I will get down the stairs and into the car. So we wheel down the hall and to the stairs then a towel is place under me as Lacey and Forrest help me go down the stairs on my butt, step by step. Apparently, a first for Claudia.

Finally we are in the car and on the way to see Kendra. At the hospital I get the stitches without any drugs, ouch. Kendra apologizing with each stitch she sews. Finally she is done and they move us to a room for my 2 hour admittance period. Alexa is suppose to have to stay for 24 hours but we check her out and take her home with us after 2 hours. Finally back at home at about 1pm in the afternoon we lay down as a family. All 4 of us and take a nap.

My birth although not painless and not perfect in a medical doctors eyes was perfect for me. I would not have done anything different well other then going to go to the hospital. I already look forward to having our next baby with the same group of wonderful caregivers!